Living and living 2020 - new forms of living and trends

Saturday, 11. January 2020
Digital progress is making living easier and easier, and yet a return to the original is noticeable. Trends such as shared economy and hygge show that the community aspect is becoming more important again. As a result of demographic change, cities are changing, which means that new forms of living are opening up. The size of a property now plays a subordinate role in the luxury lifestyle.

New trend: living by the water - life in a chic houseboat

You probably know the so-called floating houses from Amsterdam. In 2019, living by the water is the living trend par excellence in Austria too. The “Waterside Living” project from Linz presented exclusive houseboats. Aside from the sensation of living on the water, the houseboat has other advantages. For example, it can be moved to another location at any time, both on the water and on the land. The ecological and energy-saving construction method is an incentive for many people to take a closer look at this ingenious concept at least once.

New trend: short-term living

Short-term living is currently very popular with business travelers. As the name suggests, this is an apartment that is only used for a few weeks or months. In large corporations with international locations, it is not uncommon for an employee to have to work in another city for some time. An inexpensive and uncomplicated method such as renting an apartment for a limited time makes things much easier. Everything is already there that you need for life. Laundry, room cleaning and even a fitness room make life abroad quite bearable.

New trend: Shared economy - common rooms are back in

To build a new house with all the amenities you could wish for: sauna, pool, fitness room and much more. - Many people have not been able to fulfill this wish for financial reasons. The principle of shared living makes it possible. Communal living is an incentive, especially for young families with children.How would you feel if you could make all the decisions when building your house and not have to bear the costs yourself? The construction project in Seestadt Aspern is currently in the process of realizing such a concept. The catch: many decisions have to be made collectively with the other residents. The positive thing about it: Before the apartments are ready for occupancy, you get to know each other, discuss and be embedded in a community that would otherwise probably not come together.

New trend: Hygge - cozy get-togethers are valued more again

The living trends from Scandinavia are not only noticeable in the furnishing style. Does hygge mean anything to you? This is a furnishing style that is able to express much more than is apparent at first glance. Hygge could be described as an attitude towards life that encourages people to spend more time with their families. The focus here is not on the perfectly styled apartment, but on comfort.

Haben sich die Statussymbole der Superreichen geändert? 

Größer, weiter, höher – je weitläufiger desto besser hat es doch immer geheißen. Die Zeiten, wo die Größe des Schlafzimmers Macht und Reichtum zum Ausdruck brachte, scheinen vorbei zu sein. Der Trend des zur Schau stellen des eigenen Vermögens hat abgenommen. Das Hauptaugenmerk einer Liegenschaft liegt heute meist auf Küche und Wohnzimmer. Den Räumen des Hauses, wo man gemeinsam Zeit verbringt, soll es nicht an Größe, Qualität und luxuriöser Ausstattung fehlen. Wohnungen und Häuser werden häufig fertig eingerichtet und dekoriert übernommen. Natürlich werden Details vorher mit den Besitzern abgesprochen. Das Leben wird bei schönem Wetter gerne nach Draußen verlegt darum ist der Außenbereich wichtig. Ein weitläufiger Garten mit Terrasse, ein privater Strand, ein Rooftop-Pool oder gar ein eigener Golfplatz – all diese Dinge dürfen bei einer echten Luxusimmobilie nach wie vor nicht fehlen. 

Autor: Magdalena Griesner

Living and living 2020 - new forms of living and trends